We got our ducks in a row again. For a second time the San Francisco Grand National Sit-Off was held. Last month's silver medalist Mighty Milo Richtel had home field advantage for the second go round.
Kai "The Klassy Kalm" White was expected to repeat his championship performance, a devastating display of sitting for an extended period of time and staring at his hand. It set a high bar.
As expected Myles Marcus went out first. He is a boy with many gifts, but being propped on a couch piled high with babies and then staring out at two-dozen addled adults giggling like hyenas and snapping pictures on their iPhones, well this is not among them. Amazingly, Angela and Cooper are not too worried about that.
The infants continued to fall, left and right, down they went. At one point, so many kids were unable to go on, they were plucked off the couch nearly at random. Morgan ended up with Ajay; Kai ended up in the arms of this reporter. It took literally dozens of seconds to sort it all out.
As 3 minutes stretched to five, the parents began to drift off to the next entertainment. Except for four parents locked in the combat.
The surprise performance of infant sang froid came from Asher "No Nickname Comes to Mind" Temchine, who shocked his parents by sitting in the same place for three minutes without screaming like an air raid siren.
To no one's surprise, Milo continued to sit. As competitors fall away, so do words. How do you capture "The immutable One" when he is at his best? A rock? A bag of foam rubber? Maybe a sack of oranges?
But Asher stuck with him. As Milo slowly slumped, Asher stayed right there with him. All the way down.
In the end, it was a draw. As exciting as this may make it sound, it actually got kind of boring at the end there and I was really faking being excited. Yeah, I said it.
So we just scooped him up and got a cupcake.
Happy birthday Sarah!
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